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All publications for Rob Fuller

Kirkland, M., Annorbah, N.N.D., Barber, L., Black, J., Blackburn, J., Colley, M., Clewley, G., Cross, C., Drew, M., Fox, O.J.L., Gilson, V., Hahn, S., Holt, C., Hulme, M.F., Jarjou, J., Jatta, D., Jatta, E., Mensah-Pebi, E., Orsman, C., Sarr, N., Walsh, R., Zwartz, L., Fuller, R.J., Atkinson, P.W. & Hewson, C.M. 2025. Extreme migratory connectivity and mirroring of non-breeding grounds conditions in a severely declining breeding population of an Afro-Palearctic migratory bird. Scientific Reports 15 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-025-86484-z)
Fuller, R. 2021. Woodland management and birds. Part 2. Conservation measures and strategies. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 115 (part 4) : 238-244
Fuller, R. 2021. Woodland management and birds. Part 1. Sylvicultural systems and tree species.. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 115 : 168-174
Fuller, R.J. & Green, T. 2020. Breeding bird communities within a parkland-woodland continuum: the distinctiveness of wood-pasture. Arboricultural Journal View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/03071375.2020.1767965)
Siriwardena, G.M., Henderson, I.G., Noble, D.G., & Fuller, R.J. 2019. How can assemblage structure indices improve monitoring of change in bird communities using ongoing survey data?. Ecological Indicators 104 : 669-685 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.05.046) 17pp
Gillings, S., Balmer, D.E., Caffrey, B.J., Downie, I.S., Gibbons, D.W., Lack, P.C., Reid, J.B., Sharrock, J.T.R., Swann, R.L. & Fuller, R.J. 2019. Breeding and wintering bird distributions in Britain and Ireland from citizen science bird atlases. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 : 866-874 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/geb.12906)
Alder, D.C., Fuller, R.J. & Marsden, S.J. 2018. Implications of transformation to irregular silviculture for woodland birds: A stand wise comparison in an English broadleaf woodland. Forest Ecology and Management 422 : 69-78 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.04.004)
Heward, C.J., Hoodless, A.N., Conway, G.J., Fuller, R.J., MacColl, A.D.C. & Aebisher, N.J. 2018. Habitat correlates of Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola abundance in a declining resident population. Journal of Ornithology : 1-11 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s10336-018-1570-z)
OCKENDON, N., THOMAS, D.H.L., CORTINA, J., ADAMS, W.M., AYKROYD, T., BAROV, B., BOITANI, L., BONN, A., BRANQUINHO, C., BROMBACHER, M., BURRELL, C., CARVER, S., CRICK, H.Q.P., DUGUY, B., EVERETT, S., FOKKENS, B., FULLER, R.J., GIBBONS, D.W., GOKHELASHVILI, R., GRIFFIN, C., HALLEY, D.J., HOTHAM, P., HUGHES, F.M.R., KARAMANLIDIS, A.A., MCOWEN, C.J., MILES, L., MITCHELL, R., RANDS, M.R.W., ROBERTS, J., SANDOM, C.J., SPENCER, J.W., TEN BROEKE, E., TEW, E.R., THOMAS, C.D. , TIMOSHYNA, A., UNSWORTH, R.K.F., WARRINGTON, S. & SUTHERLAND, W.J. 2018. One hundred priority questions for landscape restoration in Europe. Biological Conservation 221 : 198-208 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.03.002)
Fuller, R.J., Casey, D., Melin, M. & Hill, R. 2018. Rapid progression of ash dieback in the coppice of Bradfield Woods, Suffolk. Quarterly Journal of Forestry
MIKUSIŃSKI, G., ROBERGE, J.M. & FULLER, R.J. 2018. Ecology and Conservation of Forest Birds. Book title: Ecology and Conservation of Forest Birds Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ISBN: 9781107072138 £69.99
Hewson, C.M., Miller, M., Johnston, A., Conway, G.J., Saunders, R., Marchant, J.H. & Fuller, R.J. 2018. Estimating national population sizes: Methodological challenges and applications illustrated in the common nightingale, a declining songbird in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (part 4) : 2 008-2 018 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13120)
Dolman, P., Williamson, T., Fuller, R. & Barnes, G. 2017. What does 'traditional' management really mean?. British Wildlife 29 (part 2) : 113-119
Broome, A., Fuller, R.J., Bellamy, P.E., Eichhorn, M.P., Gill, R.M.A., Harmer, R., Kerr, G. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2017. Implications of lowland broadleaved woodland management for the conservation of target bird species. Download Report (PDF)
Eichhorn, M.P., Ryding, J., Smith, M.J., Gill, R.M.A., Siriwardena, G.M. & Fuller, R.J. 2017. Effects of deer on woodland structure revealed through terrestrial laser scanning. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (part 6) : 1 615-1 626 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12902)
Calladine, J., Humphreys, E.M., Gilbert, L., Furness, R.W., Robinson, R.A., Fuller, R.J., Littlewood, N.A., Pakeman, R.J., Ferguson, J. & Thompson, C. 2017. Continuing influences of introduced hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus as a predator of wader (Charadrii) eggs four decades after their release on the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Biological Invasions 19 : 1 981-1 987 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s10530-017-1422-4)
Fuller, R.J., Williamson, T., Barnes, G. & Dolman, P.M. 2016. Human activities and biodiversity opportunities in pre‐industrial cultural landscapes: relevance to conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 : 459-469 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12762)
Robert J. Fuller 2016. Management responses to ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) in woodland: implications for woodland structure and resources for biodiversity. Research Report no. 685. British Trust for Ornithology ISBN: 978-1-908581-80-8 50pp £5.00
Ian Henderson & Rob Fuller 2016. Review of the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Selection Guidelines for Breeding Bird Assemblages. Research Report no. 638. ISBN: 978-1-908581-61-7 25pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
Fuller, R., Marshall, M., Eversham, B., Wilkinson, P. & Wright, K. 2016. The increasing importance of monitoring wildlife responses to habitat management. British Wildlife 27 (part 3) : 175-186 Download Report (PDF)
Heward, C.J., Hoodless, A.N., Conway, G.J., Aebischer, N.J., Gillings, S. & Fuller, R.J. 2015. Current status and recent trend of the Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola as a breeding bird in Britain. Bird Study View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1092497)
Feber , R.E., Johnson, P.J., Bell, J.R., Chamberlain, D.E., Firbank, L.G., Fuller, R.J., Manley, W., Mathews, F., Norton,L.R., Townsend, M. & Macdonald, D.W. 2015. Organic Farming: Biodiversity Impacts Can Depend on Dispersal Characteristics and Landscape Context. PLOS ONE 10 (part 8) View at journal website (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135921)
Calladine, J., Bray, J., Broome, A. & Fuller, R.J 2015. Comparison of breeding bird assemblages in conifer plantations managed by continuous cover forestry and clearfelling. Forest Ecology and Management 344 : 20-29 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.02.017)
Gillings, S., Balmer, D.E. & Fuller, R.J. 2015. Directionality of recent bird distribution shifts and climate change in Great Britain. Global Change Biology 21 : 2 155-2 168 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12823)
Calladine, J., Pakeman, R.J., Humphreys, E., Huband, S. & Fuller, R.J. 2014. Changes in breeding wader assemblages, vegetation and land use within machair environments over three decades. Bird Study 61 (part 3) : 287-300 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2014.917604)
David J Baker & Robert J Fuller* * Correspondence author 2014. How can research help deliver a 'coherent & resilient ecological network'?. Research Report no. 628. ISBN: 978-1-908581-33-4 43pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Fuller, R. & Calladine, J. 2014. Landscape transition through natural processes: implications for biodiversity of tree regeneration on moorland. Book title: Ecology and conservation of birds in upland and alpine habitats: Proceedings of the BOU Annual Conference held at the University of Leicester, 1-3 April 2014 BOU Link to publication
Holt, C.A., Fuller, R.J. & Dolman, P.M. 2014. Exclusion of deer affects responses of birds to woodland regeneration in winter and summer. Ibis 156 (part 1) : 116-131 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12096)
Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R., Fuller, R.J. & Robinson, R.A. 2014. How can functional space for farmland birds best be studied? A comment on Butler and Norris (2013). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 192 : 8-11 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2014.03.032)
Dawn Balmer, Simon Gillings, Brian Caffrey, Bob Swann, Iain Downie, Rob Fuller 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-11: The Breeding and Wintering Birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology ISBN: 978-1908581280 720pp
Balmer, D.E., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B.J., Swann, R.L. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Setting the scene. Book title: Bird Atlas 2007-11: the breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland BTO Books, Thetford : 18-30 ISBN: 978-1-908581-28-0
Balmer, D.E., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B.J., Swann, R.L., Downie, I.S. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-11: the breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. Book title: Bird Atlas 2007-11: the breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland BTO Books, Thetford ISBN: 978-1-908581-28-0
Fuller, R.J. 2013. FORUM: Searching for biodiversity gains through woodfuel and forest management. Journal of Applied Ecology 50 : 1 295-1 300 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12152)
Fuller, R.J. & Rothery, P. 2013. Temporal consistency in fine-scale habitat relationships of woodland birds during a period of habitat deterioration.. Forest Ecology and Management 289 : 164-174 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2012.09.035)
Fuller, R.J., Gillings, S., Lauder, A. & Crowe, O. 2013. Pattern and change in the British and Irish avifaunas over a 40-year period. Book title: Bird Atlas 2007-11: the breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland BTO Books, Thetford : 115-147 ISBN: 978-1-908581-28-0
Eglington, S.M., Noble, D.G. & Fuller, R.J. 2012. A meta-analysis of spatial relationships in species richness across taxa: Birds as indicators of wider biodiversity in temperate regions. Journal for Nature Conservation 20 (part 5) : 301-309 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2012.07.002)
Fuller, R.J. 2012. Avian responses to transitional habitats in temperate cultural landscapes: woodland edges and young-growth. Book title: Birds and Habitat: Relationships in Changing Landscapes Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 125-149 ISBN: 978-05-2189-756-3
Fuller, R.J. 2012. Birds and their changing habitat: thoughts on research and conservation strategies. Book title: Birds and Habitat: Relationships in Changing Landscapes Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 516-529 ISBN: 978-05-2189-756-3
Fuller, R.J. 2012. Habitat quality and habitat occupancy by birds in variable environments. Book title: Birds and Habitat: Relationships in Changing Landscapes Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 37-62 ISBN: 978-05-2189-756-3
Fuller, R.J. 2012. The bird and its habitat: an overview of concepts. Book title: Birds and Habitat: Relationships in Changing Landscapes Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 4-36 ISBN: 978-05-2189-756-3
Fuller, R.J., Smith, K.W. & Hinsley, S.A. 2012. Temperate western European woodland as a dynamic environment for birds: a resource-based view. Book title: Birds and Habitat: Relationships in Changing Landscapes Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 352-380 ISBN: 978-05-2189-756-3
Hewson, C.M., Fuller, R.J., Amor, A. & Smith, K. 2012. Changes in the structure of British woodland bird communities between the 1980s and 2003-2004; analysis of Repeat Woodland Bird Survey data. Research Report no. 490. ISBN: 978-1-908581-15-0 102pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
Holt, C.A., Hewson, C.M. & Fuller, R.J. 2012. The Nightingale in Britain: status, ecology and conservation needs. British Birds 105 : 172-187
Newson, S.E., Johnston, A., Renwick, A.R., Baillie, S.B. & Fuller, R.J. 2012. Modelling large-scale relationships between increasing abundance of deer and changes changes in bird populations in lowland England. Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (part 1) : 278-286 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.02077.x)
Oliver, T.H., Gillings, S., Girardello, M., Rapacciuolo, G., Brereton, T.M., Siriwardena, G., Roy, D.B., Pywell, R. & Fuller, R.J. 2012. Population density but not stability can be predicted from species distribution models. Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (part 3) : 581-590 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02138.x)
Wesołowski, T. & Fuller, R.J. 2012. Spatial variation and temporal shifts in habitat use by birds at the European scale. Book title: Birds and Habitat: Relationships in Changing Landscapes Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 63-92 ISBN: 978-05-2189-756-3
