Import data from BirdTrack to WeBS
05 Mar 2020
WeBS Online has launched a new feature to import data from BirdTrack, so that volunteers can, if they wish, record data in the BirdTrack apps and then import the relevant list from BirdTrack into WeBS Online as the official WeBS count for the site. Watch the instruction video or read the guidance to find out more. This is an optional feature and WeBS Counters are of course still able to enter counts directly into WeBS Online.
If you don’t take part in WeBS already but regularly visit a wetland, why not check if a Counter is needed for that site? See for more information and check the vacancies map at Or if you are a WeBS counter and would like to try out BirdTrack and the BirdTrack mobile apps for use in the field, visit BirdTrack to find out more.
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