Jennifer Border
Senior Research Ecologist
Jenni is an experienced population and spatial modeller who joined the Framing Futures team after completing a NERC-funded postdoc entitled ‘Explaining and Predicting the Migration and Phenology of European-African Migratory Birds’ undertaken in collaboration with Durham University.
Interests & Responsibilities
Jenni’s research focuses on African-Eurasian migratory birds and has involved collating an extensive set of tracking, ringing and observation data on trans-Saharan migrant songbirds from Europe and Africa, and using large-scale spatiotemporal modelling techniques to look at changes in phenology, distributions and weights of a large number of species over space and time.
In her previous four years as a Spatial Ecologist at BTO, Jenni worked on a wide range of projects, primarily centred around large datasets and modelling distributions and trends. These included:
- predictive modelling of bats’ spatial sensitivity to urbanisation and opportunities for birds and bats from habitat restoration;
- assessing gaps in survey coverage at a UK level for birds, bats, butterflies and plants;
- investigating the likelihood of non-native species invading the UK;
- modelling breeding phenology in farmland birds;
- modelling spatiotemporal change in UK bird trends;
- determining cuckoo use of protected areas and determining drivers of change in moorland breeding bird populations.
Before joining BTO, Jenni was involved in research such as determining population limitations in a lowland grassland migrant (the Whinchat), tagging and tracking seabirds and eradicating the invasive myna birds in the Seychelles.
2012-2015 - PhD, Lancaster University, “Determinants of survival, productivity and recruitment in a declining migrant bird, the whinchat, Saxicola rubetra”.
2005-2009 - BSc Honours Ecology and Conservation, University of St Andrews.
Recent BTO Publications
Other Publications
Feare, C.J., van der Woude, J., Greenwell, P., Edwards, H.A., Taylor, J.A., Larose, C.S., Ahlen, P.-A., West, J.,Chadwick, W., Pandey, S., Garcia, F., Komdeur, J. & de Groene, A. 2016. Eradication of Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis from Denis Island, Seychelles. Pest Management Science. DOI 10.1002/ps.4263.
Taylor, J. A. 2015. Determinants of variation in productivity, adult survival and recruitment in a declining migrant bird: the Whinchat, Saxicola rubetra. PhD Thesis. Lancaster University, Lancaster.
Taylor, J. A., Henderson, I. G., Hartley, I. R. 2015. Breeding Whinchats (Saxicola rubetra) on Salisbury Plain: Evidence that carrying capacity is not currently limited by habitat or food availability. In: Bastian, H-V., Feulner, J. (eds): Living on the Edge of Extinction in Europe. Proc. 1st European Whinchat symposium: 211-218. LBV Hof, Helmbrechts.
Feare, C.J., Edwards,H., Taylor, J.A., Greenwell, P. A., Larose,C. S., Mokhoko, E. & Dine. M. 2015. Stars in their eyes: iris colour and pattern in Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis on Denis and North Islands, Seychelles. Bull. B.O.C. 2015, 135: 61-68.
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