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It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Gregory, R.D., Marchant, J.H., Baillie, S.R. & Greenwood, J.J.D. 1994. A comparison of population changes among British breeding birds using territory mapping and point count data. Book title: Bird Numbers 1992: Distribution, monitoring and ecological aspects. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of IBCC and EOAC, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Statistics Netherlands/Heerlen & SOVON, Voorburg/Beek-Ubbergen : 503-512
Hudson, R.W., Tucker, G.M. & Fuller, R.J. 1994. European Lapwing Vanellus vanellus populations in relation to agricultural practices: a review. Book title: The Ecology and Conservation of the Lapwing.(UK Nature Conservation No. 9.) Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough : 1-33
Jenni, L., Berthold, P., Peach, W. & Spina, F. (eds) 1994. Bird Ringing in Science and Environmental Management. EURING, Heteren, The Netherlands.
Marchant, J.H. 1994. The new Breeding Bird Survey. British Birds 87 : 26-28
Marchant, J.H. & Gregory, R.D. 1994. Recent population changes among seed-eating passerines in the United Kingdom. Book title: Bird Numbers 1992: Distribution, monitoring and ecological aspects. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of IBCC and EOAC, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Statistics Netherlands/Heerlen & SOVON, Voorburg/Beek-Ubbergen : 87-95
Mead, C.J. 1994. Sand Martins. Book title: Birds in Europe, Their Conservation Status BirdLife International, Cambridge : 368-369
Morris, A., Burges, D., Fuller, R.J., Evans, A.D. & Smith, K.W. 1994. The status and distribution of Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus in Britain in 1992. Bird Study 41 : 181-191 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063659409477218)
Ogilvie, M. & The Rare Breeding Birds Panel (including Crick, H.Q.P.). 1994. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 1991. British Birds 87 : 366-393
Peach, W.J. & Baillie, S.R. 1994. Implementation of the Mountford Indexing Method for the Common Birds Census. Book title: Bird Numbers 1992: Distribution, monitoring and ecological aspects. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of IBCC and EOAC, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Statistics Netherlands/Heerlen & SOVON, Voorburg/Beek-Ubbergen : 653-662
Peach, W.J., Thompson, P.S. & Coulson, J.C. 1994. Annual and long-term variation in the survival rates of British lapwings Vanellus vanellus. Journal of Animal Ecology 63 : 60-70
Prŷs-Jones, R.P., Underhill, L.G. & Waters, R.J. 1994. Index numbers for waterbird populations II. Coastal wintering waders in the United Kingdom, 1970/71-1990/91. Journal of Applied Ecology 31 : 481-492
Rushton, S.P., Hill, D.A. & Carter, S.P. 1994. The abundance of river corridor birds in relation to their habitats: a modelling approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 31 : 313-328
Shrubb, M. & Lack, P.C. 1994. Breeding distribution and abundance of Lapwings in England and Wales in 1987. Book title: The Ecology and Conservation of the Lapwing(UK Nature Conservation No. 9.) Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough : 34-36
Tucker, G.M., Davies, S.M. & Fuller, R.J. (eds) 1994. The Ecology and Conservation of the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough
Underhill, L.G. & Prŷs-Jones, R.P. 1994. Index numbers for waterbird populations I. Review and methodology. Journal of Applied Ecology 31 : 463-480
Uttley, J.D., Walton, P., Monaghan, P. & Austin, G. 1994. The effects of food abundance on breeding performance and adult time budgets of Guillemots Uria aalge. Ibis 136 : 205-213 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1994.tb01086.x)
Waters, R.J. & Cayford, J.T. 1994. The Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS): wader counts from the 1991-92 and 1992-93 winters. Wader Study Group Bulletin 73 : 50-53 View Abstract
Winder, L., Hirst, D.J., Carter, N., Wratten, S.D. & Sopp, P.I. 1994. Estimating predation of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae by polyphagous predators. Journal of Applied Ecology 31 : 1-12
Zhou, X., Carter, N. & Powell, W. 1994. Seasonal distribution and aerial movement of adult Coccinellids on farmland. Biocontrol Science and Technology 4 : 167-175 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/09583159409355324)
Andrews, J. & Carter, S.P. 1993. Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review. BTO/JNCC, Thetford
Baillie, S.R. & McCulloch, M.N. 1993. Modelling the survival rates of passerines ringing during the breeding season from national ringing and recovery data. Book title: Marked Individuals in the Study of Bird Population Birkhduser Verlag, Basel : 123-139
Baillie, S.R., Crick, H.Q.P. & Peach, W.J. 1993. IPM - a new approach to identifying conservation problems. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 38-43
Baillie, S.R., Gooch, S. & Birkhead, T. 1993. The effects of Magpie predation on songbird populations. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 68-73
Baker, J.K. 1993. Identification Guide to European Non-Passerines. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford
Balmer, D. & Marchant, J. 1993. The sparrows fall. British Birds 86 : 631-633
Blackburn, T.M., Brown, V.K., Doube, B.M., Greenwood, J.J.D., Lawton, J.H. & Stork, N.E. 1993. The relationship between abundance and body size in natural animal assemblages. Journal of Animal Ecology 62 : 519-528
Cayford, J.T. 1993. Black Grouse and Forestry: Habitat Requirements and Management. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh
Cayford, J.T. 1993. Black Grouse census and monitoring. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 124-126
Cayford, J.T. 1993. Wader disturbance: a theoretical overview. Wader Study Group Bulletin 68 : 3-5
Clark, J.A. 1993. The effects of the severe weather in February 1991. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 110-111
Clark, J.A., Clark, N.A., Gill, J.A. & Sutherland, W.J. 1993. Black-tailed Godwits on the Wash. Wash Wader Ringing Group Report 1991-92 : 55-60
Clark, N.A. & Clark, J.A. 1993. The effects of severe weather in February 1991 on waders on the Wash. Wash Wader Ringing Group Report 1991-92 : 61-62
Crick, H.Q.P. 1993. Common Coot eating its own egg. British Birds 86 : 625-626
Crick, H.Q.P. 1993. Studies of moorland birds: Merlin and Golden Plover. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 121-123
Crick, H.Q.P. 1993. Trends in breeding success of Merlins Falco columbarius in Britain from 1937-1989. Book title: Biology & Conservation of Small Falcons Hawk & Owl Trust, London : 30-38
Crick, H.Q.P., Gibbons, D.W. & Magrath, R. 1993. Seasonal changes in clutch size in British birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 62 : 263-273
Crick, H.Q.P., Peach, W.J., Dudley, C., Glue, D.E. & Turner, J. 1993. Breeding performance in 1990. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 101-105
Delany, S. & Greenwood, J.J.D. 1993. The 1990 national Mute Swan survey: provisional results. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 130-134
Fuller, R.J. 1993. Bird habitats in Buckinghamshire. Book title: The Birds of Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire Bird Club, Burnham : 11-31
Fuller, R.J. & Warren, M.S. 1993. Coppiced woodlands: their management for wildlife (Second edition). Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough
Furness, R.W. & Greenwood, J.J.D. (eds) 1993. Birds as Monitors of Environmental Change. Chapman & Hall, London
Furness, R.W., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Jarvis, P.J. 1993. Can birds be used to monitor the environment?. Book title: Birds as Monitors of Environmental Change Chapman & Hall, London : 1-37
Gates, S. 1993. Bird distributions and land use. Book title: Britain's Birds in 1990-91: the conservation and monitoring review BTO/JNCC, Thetford : 31-34
