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Peer Journal sample covers

It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Williamson, K. & Homes, R.C. 1964. Methods and preliminary results of the Common Birds Census 1962-63. Bird Study 11 : 240-256 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656409476073)
Coulson, J.C. 1963. The status of the Kittiwake in the British Isles. Bird Study 10 : 147-179
Dobinson, H.M. 1963. Inland Observation Points February - May 1963. Bird Migration 2 : 325-328
Eltringham, S.K. 1963. The British population of the Mute Swan in 1961. Bird Study 10 : 10-28
Mayer-Gross, H. 1963. The Nest Record Scheme, 1962. Bird Study 10 : 234-236
Monk, J.F. 1963. The past and present status of the Wryneck in the British Isles. Bird Study 10 : 112-132
Ratcliffe, D.A. 1963. The status of the Peregrine in Great Britain. Bird Study 10 : 56-90
Spencer, R. 1963. The Bird Ringing Scheme, 1958-61. Bird Study 10 : 133-137
Stafford, J. 1963. The census of heronries 1960-61. Bird Study 10 : 29-33
Williamson, K. 1963. Aspects of autumn movements at the Bird Observatories, 1962. Bird Migration 2 : 224-251
Williamson, K. 1963. Movements as an indicator of population changes. Bird Migration 2 : 207-223
Williamson, K. 1963. Radde's Warbler at the Isle of May. Scottish Birds 2 : 367-368
Williamson, K. 1963. The identification of the larger pipits. British Birds 56 : 285-292
Williamson, K. 1963. The summer and autumn Crossbill irruptions. Bird Migration 2 : 252-260
Williamson, K. & Boyd, J.M. 1963. A mosaic of islands. Edinburgh.
Williamson, K. & Rogers, T. 1963. Forarstrae over Denmark Straedt. Danske Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 57 : 229-232
Williamson, K. & Whitehead, P. 1963. An examination of the Blackcap movements of autumn 1960. Bird Migration 2 : 265-271
Boyd, H. & Eltringham, S.K. 1962. The Whooper Swan in Great Britain. Bird Study 9 : 217-241
Dobinson, H.M. 1962. Inland Observation Points. Bird Migration 2 : 182-186
Dobinson, H.M. 1962. The Inland Observation Points. Records for summer and autumn 1962. Bird Migration 2 : 272-276
Gribble, F.C. 1962. Census of Black-headed Gull colonies in England and Wales 1958. Bird Study 9 : 56-71
Hamilton, F.D. 1962. Census of Black headed Gull colonies in Scotland, 1958. Bird Study 9 : 72-79
Mayer-Gross, H. 1962. The Nest Record Scheme, 1961. Bird Study 9 : 252-258
Murton, R.K. & Ridpath, M.G. 1962. The autumn movements of the Woodpigeon. Bird Study 9 : 7-41
Peakall, D.B. 1962. The past and present status of the Red-backed Shrike in Great Britain. Bird Study 9 : 198-216
Snow, D.W. 1962. Notes on the biology of some Trinidad Swifts. Zoologica 47 : 129-139
Southern, H.N. 1962. Survey of Bridled Guillemots. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 138 : 455-472
Stafford, J. 1962. Nightjar enquiry, 1957-58. Bird Study 9 : 104-115
Williamson, K. 1962. An eruptive dispersal of Dunnocks (<i>Prunella modularis</i>). Bird Migration 2 : 111-113
Williamson, K. 1962. Aspects of autumn migration, 1961. Bird Migration 2 : 61-102
Williamson, K. 1962. Aspects of spring migration at the Bird Observatories, 1962. Bird Migration 2 : 3 131-159
Williamson, K. 1962. Long-tailed Skua at Douglas - a new Manx record. Peregrine 3 : 97-98
Williamson, K. 1962. Passerine migration in Ireland, autumn 1961. Irish Bird Report 9 : 35-39
Williamson, K. 1962. Post-nuptial moult in the Dunnock. Bird Migration 2 : 114-115
Williamson, K. 1962. Studies of less familiar birds 117: Scarlet Grosbeak. British Birds 55 : 130-131
Williamson, K. 1962. The 1962 Crossbill irruption - a preliminary note. Bird Migration 2 : 201-202
Williamson, K. 1962. The nature of 'leading line' behaviour. Bird Migration 2 : 176-182
Barnes, J.A.G. 1961. The winter status of the Lesser Black backed Gull, 1959-60. Bird Study 8 : 127-147
Buxton, E.J.M. 1961. The inland breeding of the Oystercatcher in Great Britain, 1958-59. Bird Study 8 : 194-209
Mayer-Gross, H. 1961. The Nest Record Scheme, 1960. Bird Study 8 : 210-212
McLean, I. & Williamson, K. 1961. Migrants at ocean weather-ships autumn 1960. Bird Migration 1 : 245-249
McLean, I. & Williamson, K. 1961. Migrants in the North-East Atlantic. Danske Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 55 : 209-211
Stafford, J. 1961. The census of heronries 1959. Bird Study 8 : 38-42
Williamson, K. 1961. Aspects of autumn migration, 1960. Bird Migration 1 : 218-234
Williamson, K. 1961. Aspects of spring migration, 1961. Bird Migration 2 : 1-33
