Population estimates on birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom
Author(s): Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A.
Published: January 2013
Journal: British Birds Volume: 106
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This report follows previous reports by the Avian Population Estimates Panel (APEP), in 1997 and 2006.
There are now thought to be about 84 million breeding pairs of birds in the UK. The ten commonest species contribute 57% of this total, with Wren Troglodytes troglodytes alone providing one in ten of our breeding birds. In all, 23 species exceed one million breeding pairs. The individual population estimates come from a wide variety of sources, many from extrapolation of previous estimates by recognised trend measures, others from new surveys and novel analytical approaches developed since the last report.
Despite the exceptional level of detail available for some species, many gaps in our knowledge remain. Recommendations are made to allow a continuing improvement in our understanding of the numbers of birds in GB and the UK. There are many opportunities for volunteer and amateur birdwatchers to make a significant contribution.

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