A world informed by science: the impact of BTO in 2012–18

Author(s): Pearce-Higgins, J.W. & Robinson, R.A. (Eds)
Published: August 2019 Issue No.: 710
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This report provides an assessment of the impact of BTO science over the period 2012–2018, measured in terms of knowledge and information, policies and management, species and habitats, people and society and collaboration and capacity building. This report was part of the evidence provided to an independent expert review panel in 2018/19.
- The review panel concluded that the BTO has had a remarkable impact on policy and practice given its size and resources.
- The panel found BTO’s main strengths to be its volunteer base, rigorous integration of research and monitoring, and outreach to a wide range of audiences.
- In the policy sphere, the panel recommended engaging with the evidence requirements for current and emerging flagship policies in England (such as the 25 Year Environment Plan) and the devolved administrations (such as the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act of the Welsh Government) as a matter of priority.
- Ongoing technological developments could empower BTO members and volunteers to achieve more, but will require a clear data and technology strategy.
- Partnerships are key to enhancing impact, but will require a clear understanding of what different partners have to offer. BTO has a clear offer and could develop new partnerships.
- The BTO should focus on new opportunities that arise in the context of the rapidly changing physical, biological and socio-economic worlds, as well as highlighting possible threats.
Read the report of the independent review panel
Read the response to research report 710, reviewed by an external panel, who identify the current strengths of BTO's work and make recommendations about where BTO could improve in future.
Read External review panel report (PDF, 655KB)
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