Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Annual Report 2021 & 2022

Author(s): Challis, A., Beckmann, B.C., Wilson, M.W., Eaton, M.A., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, P., Thornton, M. & Wilkinson, N.I.
Published: December 2023
ISBN: 2632-2374
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The Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme received 5,896 records of raptor home ranges checked in 2021, with a total of 5,708 records available to be used for SRMS reporting, thanks to data contributors giving explicit permission for their data to be used in this way. In 2022, the equivalent figures were 5,512 records received of which 5,297 were available for reporting. This represents a tremendous effort from SRMS contributors and is a significant increase in data submission from 2020. This section provides an overview of the two breeding seasons, setting the scene on the weather conditions and prey situation that Scottish raptors experienced in 2021 and 2022. Here we also provide a summary of the records received from each region of Scotland in both years, along with some species highlights, and provide links to more detailed information on the SRMS website.
Thanks to all those who have contributed records, to the partner organisations which provide funding (NatureScot, BTO, FLS, RSPB and SOC), and the partner representatives that help oversee the Scheme.Staff Author(s)
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