Suggested by several Cuckoo sponsors, Mungo is named after Scotsman Mungo Park, explorer of the African continent

- Status:
- Inactive
- Tagged:
- Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - 01:00
- Tagging Location:
- Glen Gyle, Loch Katrine, Stirling, Scotland
- Sex:
- Male
- Age when found:
- Adult
- Satellite Tag No.:
- 115600
- Wing Length (mm):
- 220
Mungo's journey from 15 May 2012 to 29 July 2012
Mungo's movements
28 Sep 2012 - Mungo still missing
We haven’t received any more transmissions from Mungo‘s tag since the 2 August, when he was close to Lake Chad – given the time that has elapsed, we can only assume that he has died, or that his tag failed, but there is no direct evidence for either scenario.
06 Sep 2012 - Not a murmur from Mungo
We have received nothing further from Mungo since the 2 August.
20 Aug 2012 - Lyster and Mungo M.I.A.
We have concerns about both of these Cuckoos. Mungo was last heard of on 2nd August in the area north of Lake Chad that he arrived in on 26th July, soon after completing his desert crossing. The charge on his tag was very low at that time. Lyster has not been heard of since 8th August, when he was still in sparse desert in Mauritania, having moved just a few kms in the preceding two days. His tag did not appear to be charging even though it was the middle of the day with very little cover in the area and the charge was very low when transmissions ceased.
15 Aug 2012 - No movements from BB & Mungo but a small hop for Wallace
Wallace has flown 55km (35 miles) southwest within Germany and is now close to the village of Lauterbach in the Black Forest near Schramberg. Mungo’s last transmission on 29 July locates him near Lake Chad but we haven’t received any further signals from him. BB is also in Chad and we last heard from him on 13 August.
30 Jul 2012 - Three Cuckoos now in Chad
BB continued his movement south from Egypt and successfully completed his desert crossing during the early hours of Saturday 28 July, reaching south-western Sudan by the time his tag stopped transmitting, becoming the first of our tracked Cuckoos recorded in that country. By the morning of Monday 30 July he had moved 193km (120 miles) due W to a location just over the border in Chad. He is now at a very similar latitude to Chris and Mungo, who have remained just north of lake Chad, but he 764km (475 miles) to their east.
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