BTO Youth Duck and Gull ID

Join BTO Youth at Hanningfield Reservoir to sharpen your bird identification skills. Hosted by Rhys (BTO Youth Representative, Essex) and the Essex Birdwatching Society.

Event Description

This event includes an indoor bird identification session at the Hanningfield Nature Discovery Centre, followed by a guided walk (~1.2km) around the reservoir to put your newly acquired skills into practice. While aimed at beginner birders, it’s open to birders of all experience levels.

Facilities on site include toilets and food and drink options. Hanningfield Reservoir is wheelchair accessible, and we’re happy to adjust the route to meet your accessibility needs - please let us know in advance. Nearby bus services are available - please let us know if support is required. A limited number of spare binoculars will be available to borrow.

This event is run with the support of BTO and the Essex Birdwatching Society. For any questions, please email

The event is free to attend and open to 12-18-year-olds, with parents/carers welcome to join. After registering, participants under 18 will need to complete a consent form with their parent(s)/carer(s) and return it to before the event.

Your BTO youth online / in-person event booking details
Used to determine if you are under 25. If you are under 18, permission from a parent/carer is required to attend this event.
If you are under 13 (virtual events) or 18 (in-person events), please provide a contact email address for a parent or guardian so that we can seek their permission for your attendance.
Contact Preferences

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