BTO Bird Camp Q&A (Northern Ireland)

Join BTO's Youth team to ask any questions you might have about Bird Camp or your application.

Event Description

The team will be on hand to answer your questions around what to expect at camp, what to bring, how to apply, and how to make sure your application stands out. Bird Camps 2025 are now open for applications here

Please note that attendees under 13 will need to send in a consent form prior to the event. 

Your BTO youth online / in-person event booking details
Used to determine if you are under 25. If you are under 18, permission from a parent/carer is required to attend this event.
If you are under 13 (virtual events) or 18 (in-person events), please provide a contact email address for a parent or guardian so that we can seek their permission for your attendance.
Contact Preferences

What do you want to hear about?

How may we contact you?