**Population change estimates in Great Britain and the UK (Woodward et al. 2020)
Any additional donations will help support seabird monitors for years to come through continuing training programmes and work making seabird monitoring accessible to all.
A flight to our shores. A fight for survival.
There are eight million internationally important seabirds that breed in the UK. That might sound like a lot, but their numbers are plummeting – in the last 20 years, they’ve faced a shocking 30 percent decline. From puffins and fulmars to razorbills and Manx shearwaters, 25 diverse and daring species flock here every year in search of food and shelter. But they’re faced with so much more. Climate change, overfishing and plastic pollution are threatening habitats and endangering future generations.
Extinction looms on the horizon for a number of species – even the herring gull, that chip-stealing charmer, has seen its population decrease by 72 percent in the last five decades. Now is the time to act, and act fast. We’re poised to launch an exciting new training programme designed to establish and support a land army of seabird monitors. And you can help make it happen.
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