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Severn Trent funded this tag and much of the habitat improvement work on the Wildgoose nature reserve where Calypso was tagged. The name was chosen in a competition among Severn Trent Water employees.

Calypso the Cuckoo
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 06:20
Tagging Location:
Wild Goose Nature Reserve, Worcestershire, England
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Calypso's journey from 19 May 2021 to 24 July 2022

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Calypso's movements

12 Aug 2022 - We have lost Calypso

We are sorry to report that we have lost Worcestershire Cuckoo Calypso. Our last good quality signal from Calypso's tag was received on 24 July when he was in northern Italy and although we have had a couple of signals since ,they have been low quality and from the same location. Having reviewed the diagnostic data from the tag we could see that between 26 & 28 July, the battery charge dropped substantially and the temperature reading dropped by 5C, neither of these are good signs. It also seems strange that his last locations were in the middle of an urban area when there is so much apparently suitable natural habitat surrounding it. All of this means that sadly  it looks like the end of the road for Calypso, but he has given us some excellent data including of course a complete migration cycle between Worcestershire and the Congo Basin. 

28 Jul 2022 - Calypso still in northern Italy

Calypso has flown 25km (16 miles) north east and is now close to the town of Borgomanero in the Piedmont region. 

22 Jul 2022 - Calypso moves to Italy

Over the last few days Calypso has left southern France and flown 348km (216 miles) to northern Italy. He is now a few miles south of the town of Cossato in the north western part of Piedmont. 

11 Jul 2022 - Calypso visits the South of France

Since our last update Calypso has flown 612km (380 miles) south to reach the coast of the South of France. He has spent the last few days in the woods and farmland to the north of Fos-sur-Mer, approximately 37km north west of Marseille.

04 Jul 2022 - Calypso is in France

Calypso spent most of Saturday exploring the area around Lordswood near Chatham in Kent. He then headed south east and by 10pm was over the Channel. By yesterday evening he had reached the Seine-et-Marne department in the Île-de-France region in north-central France. He is just north of the town of La Ferte-Gaucher, 70km east of Paris. 

Past updates from calypso

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.