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Derek has been named by Kate Bradbury, author and freelance wildlife gardening writer for the Guardian, who is supporting the Cuckoo Project.

Derek the Cuckoo
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 01:00
Tagging Location:
South Fen, East Ruston, Norfolk
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Derek's journey from 06 May 2014 to 25 August 2015

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Derek's movements

09 Oct 2015 - Concern for Derek

There have been no signals from Derek's tag since the end of August. Looking back at the data we received shows the battery charge was ok and there is no evidence of death. However, the most likely explanation for a sudden loss of signals is that Derek has sadly died. 

20 Aug 2015 - Derek crosses the desert

By the 16 August, signals show that Derek was on his way again, heading south over Algeria and making his desert crossing. The last signals on the 18 show he had made it as far as central Mali.

03 Aug 2015 - Derek is in Morocco!

Derek left Spain and arrived in Morocco, covering a distance of 800 kilometres (500 miles) passing east of the Gibraltar strait. Derek is taking once again taking the westerly route that we have seen him use in previous years and, interestingly, that only English Cuckoos seem to use. So far no Scottish or Welsh birds have ventured through Spain, although it's worth noting that fewer birds from these areas have been tagged compared to English Cuckoos.  In some years, this route has proved problematic, with wild fires, droughts and storms providing challenges for the Cuckoos choosing this route.

14 Jul 2015 - Derek in Spain

Derek has continued on from France and is now further south, in the Castille and Leon region of Spain.  He is currently the only one of our tagged Cuckoos in Spain, though Dudley passed this way earlier on his way south. 

08 Jul 2015 - Derek on his way

A series of poor signals on the 5 July suggested Derek had crossed the Channel and was in northern France. Signals recieved during the early hours of 7 July confirmed that he had indeed left Britain. However, he wasn't in northern France. He is currently in southern France just north of Pau and close to the northern edge of the Pyrenees.

Past updates from derek

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.