Lambert is the male family name of Isabella Tree who is married to environmentalist Charlie Burrell, the inspiration behind the Knepp Wildland Project.

- Status:
- Inactive
- Tagged:
- Friday, May 18, 2018 - 08:00
- Tagging Location:
- Fresco, Knepp Estate, Sussex
- Sex:
- Male
- Age when found:
- Over one year
- Satellite Tag No.:
- 50053
- Wing Length (mm):
- 230
Lambert's journey from 01 January 1970 to 01 January 1970
Lambert's movements
04 Sep 2019 - A challenging autumn migration
The last few weeks have been quiet and for those who had not yet completed their desert crossings, it looks like the challenging conditions have claimed more of our tagged Cuckoos.
Unfortunately no further signals have been received from Knepp. From the temperature data and movements at the time, he was alive on 12 July, when we last heard from his tag. Though the battery charge had been low for a few days, there is no evidence of long term battery decline so we can't be sure what has happened to him - either he, or the tag, appear to have died suddenly.
Lambert, who was still in France, has not moved on south and signals on 21 August showed high temperature fluctuations across the day, indicating the bird's body temperature and behaviour were not regulating it. We've heard nothing since then, and his tags battery charge had suddenly dipped, all of which leads us to believe he has likely died.
Unfortunately the challenging conditions have also impacted on Nussey who has already attempted two trips to Africa and retreated to Europe. Abnormally low temperatures were received at the time of the last messages (16 August), having previously been fine. He was not migrating at that time, so the low temperatures were not due to high altitude, and the battery was also much lower than previously, further suggesting he was dead.
The droughts and exceptionally high temperatures in Europe appear to have proved difficult for our Cuckoos this year, however the five south of the Sahara are still regularly transmitting. Valentine, PJ, Carlton II and Tennysons' tags have all sent signals during September and the last signals received from Senan's tag were at the end of August and show him still in Burkina Faso.
15 Aug 2019 - Lambert still in France
We are still receiving signals from Lambert's tag showing that he is 48 km (30 miles) north west of Montpelier. Hopefully we'll see him on the move in the next few days to reassure us that all is well with Lambert.
16 Jul 2019 - Lambert arrives in the south of France
An update from Lambert's tag late in the afternoon of July 13 showed that he had flown 420 km (262 miles) south east and was close to Notre-Dame-de-la-Rouviere in southern France. He has since settled a couple of miles east of that location, near the small village of Valniere in the Cevennes National Park. He is 53 Km (33 miles) north of Montpelier and is in the same location that he stopped in last year. Last year he left this location on July 25 so we don't expect him to hang around for long.
09 Jul 2019 - Lambert near Blois
Knepp Cuckoo Lambert has pushed a little further South and is now 11 Km (7 miles) south of the town of Blois. He is currently on a similar path to his southward migration last year. If he continues to follow this path we can expect him to make his next stop in the south of France.
21 Jun 2019 - Lambert in France
Lambert has successfully crossed the English Channel. He appears to have crossed almost due south of his Sussex breeding area and flown over 125km (77 miles) of open water. He is currently 117km (72 miles) south of the Normandy coast and in farmland to the west of Verneuil-sur-Avre.
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