Additional analysis to inform SNCB recommendations regarding collision risk modelling
Author(s): Cook, A.S.C.P.
Published: August 2021 Issue No.: 739
Journal: BTO Research Report 739
ISBN: 978-1-912642-30-4
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Collision Risk Models are widely used in order to predict potential impact of collisions with turbines on bird populations but, are known to be sensitive to the parameter referred to as the avoidance rate. The most widely used Collision Risk Model is the Band Model, updated in 2012 for use in the offshore environment. Previous studies have estimated suitable avoidance rates for use in the Band model. However, given ongoing data collection, there is a need to update these estimates to ensure they reflect the best available evidence. Drawing from the data presented in Cook et al. (2014) and more recent studies, notably the ORJIP Bird Collision Avoidance study, this report presents updated estimates of avoidance rates for gulls and terns and makes recommendations about suitable avoidance rates for gannets. It further sets out recommendations and considerations for future revisions to avoidance rates as more data become available.
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