Suffolk Bird Group
Suffolk Bird Group (SBG) is the group for people interested in the birds of Suffolk, and provides a network and a voice for birdwatchers in the county. The group is administered by Suffolk birdwatchers for Suffolk birdwatchers, keeping them in touch with what is going on and with each other. Through the group’s Council, SBG has links with other naturalist and conservation organisations in the region.
Suffolk Bird Group Annual Bird Report 2009
SBG organises an extensive programme of field meetings, an opportunity for members, young or old, novice or expert, to see birds, and to share camaraderie with fellow enthusiasts.
Indoor meetings are held in Ipswich, with quality speakers entertaining members with stories of birds and birdwatching, both local and from around the world.
The group’s bulletin, The Harrier, which is published quarterly, keeps members in touch with what’s going on - delivering a mixture of stories about birds, conservation, reserves, organisations and people. Once a year the group and its team, with the generous support of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society (SNS), produce the comprehensive Annual Bird Report.
SBG organises and promotes surveys and projects on the birds of Suffolk, with an opportunity for members to participate. SBG is also able to support worthwhile projects through bursaries.
Membership of SBG is open to anyone with an interest in the birds of Suffolk. Please visit our website: .
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