BTO Northern Ireland publications
Recent BTO Northern Ireland publications

Analysis of wintering waterbird population trends for the Lough Neagh and Lough Beg Special Protection Area (SPA)
Waterbird trends for the Lough Neagh and Lough Beg Special Protection Area
This analysis of Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) data for the Lough Neagh and Lough Beg SPA provides details of wintering waterfowl population changes around the loughs and assists in identifying potential

Bioacoustics as a novel approach for detecting the presence of Brown Rats on seabird islands
Detecting Brown Rats on seabird islands
Introduced Brown Rats can devastate seabird colonies, predating both eggs and chicks. Can we use bioacoustic technology to detect and monitor this threat?

Analysis of waterbird population trends for Northern Ireland’s sea loughs: assessing the potential impacts of aquaculture and disturbance. Part 3 – Larne Lough, Killough Harbour and Dundrum Inner Bay

Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2022
Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2022
The 10th NI Seabird Report charts the fortunes of Northern Ireland's breeding seabird species and sheds light on the initial impact of avian flu.

BirdTrends 2022
BirdTrends 2022
The BirdTrends 2022 report is a one-stop shop for authoritative information about the population status of the common breeding birds of the wider UK countryside.

Loss of breeding waders from key lowland grassland sites in Northern Ireland

Analysis of waterbird population trends for Northern Ireland’s sea loughs: assessing the potential impacts of aquaculture and disturbance: Part 2 – Belfast Lough and Lough Foyle

Belfast’s urban gulls: an assessment of breeding populations, breeding season movements and winter population

Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2021
Fulmars continue to decline across most sites, while large gulls buck the national trends and are increasing across Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2020
Tern colonies around Northern Ireland had a catastrophic year. Despite this, many seabirds such as Guillemots had a good breeding season.

Wader populations on the UK’s open coast: results of the 2015/16 Non-Estuarine Waterbird Survey (NEWS-III) and a review of population trends
Wader population trends on the UK's open coast
Newly published research from BTO underlines the importance of the UK’s rocky shores and sandy beaches for waterbird species.

BirdTrends 2020
BirdTrends 2020
The BirdTrends 2020 report is a one-stop shop for authoritative information about the population status of the common breeding birds of the wider UK countryside.

Northern Ireland Lowland Breeding Wader Survey

The State of the UK's Birds 2020
Providing an annual overview of the status of the UK’s breeding and non-breeding bird species in the UK, this year’s report highlights the continuing poor fortunes of the UK’s woodland birds, and the huge efforts of BTO volunteers collecting data.

Audit of local studies of breeding Curlew and other waders in Britain and Ireland
The Eurasian Curlew is widely considered to be one of the highest bird conservation priorities in the UK and Ireland. A number of other breeding waders have also showed marked declines during a similar time frame, and a multitude of field initiatives across Britain and Ireland have been established, or tailored, to support conservation of these wader species. This audit aimed to collate information from as many of these breeding wader projects as possible, to allow BTO to assess how best it might assist local to national initiatives through partnership working in future.

Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2019
Key findings of the Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2019 include promising news about Kittiwarke numbers.

Associations between gamebird releases and general predators
Pheasants and Red-legged Partridges for commercial shoots may be boosting numbers of the avian predators and scavengers.

Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2018
Annual report on the breeding abundance and success for marine species monitored around the coastline of Northern Ireland.

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