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Sharing birdwatching experiences

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Birding with hearing loss and hearing aids

How to enjoy birding and bird surveys if you use hearing aids or have hearing loss.
How to birdwatch on staycation

Make the most of opportunities to watch the wildlife close to home and birding on staycation.
Birding in all seasons
Spring birding

As the days become longer and the weather brightens, the natural world springs into life – learn how to make the most of spring birding.
Summer birding

There’s much to enjoy about birding in summer, from the sensory magic of a seabird colony to the grace of a hunting Hobby.
Autumn birding

Autumn birding is full of promise. Read our top tips for making the most of your time outdoors at this exhilarating time of year.
Winter birding

With thousands of wintering wildfowl, waders, thrushes, finches arriving across Britain, don't let birding take a back seat during winter.
Identifying winter raptors

From soaring eagles to harrier roosts, finding winter raptors can be a wonderful experience, this article will help boost your bird ID skills.
Identifying winter waders

Learning to identify winter waders can be daunting, but we have some handy tips and advice for getting to know these tricky birds.

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Our Field Craft articles are extracts from our members’ magazine, BTO News.
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