Donate to support our science
People from all over the UK kindly donate thousands of pounds each year to fund our research and monitoring of the UK’s bird populations. The data obtained from our work provides crucial evidence for the conservation of bird species and habitats.
Ways to donate:
Please email fundraising [at] bto.org if you have any questions about donating.
Donate to an appeal
Support our latest appeal
Support our work to improve UK raptor monitoring, and help us ensure a brighter future for our birds of prey.
Choose a different appeal
From seabirds and Starlings to inspiring BTO Youth, fund an appeal that matters to you.
Donate in memory or in your Will
In-memory donations
A gift to BTO in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way of celebrating their life and their love for birds and ensuring that future generations can enjoy nature too.
You can also make a tribute to your loved one in our online Remembering a Loved One page, with the option of donating in their name.
For other ways to make your in-memory donation, including arranging Funeral and Memorial Service Collections, visit our In-memory giving page.
Gift in Will donations
By remembering us in your Will, you’ll be helping safeguard our wonderful birds and their environment for future generations to enjoy – a truly valuable gift.
If you are an Executor looking to pay a gift in Will, you can do so via bank transfer or through our online donation system.
Please email our Legacy Manager, Sam Rider at sam.rider [at] bto.org about the donation so we can say thank you and provide a receipt for your records.
Special day giving and gift donations
If you or a loved one is passionate about birds, you could celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or other special days by supporting our work.
Become a Witherby Custodian
Follow in the footsteps of Harry Forbes Witherby, visionary ornithologist and founding member of BTO, by becoming a Witherby Custodian.
Make a monthly or one-off donation
Let us decide how to make the most of your donation, by allowing us to put it to use wherever it is most needed.
Monthly donations
Set up a monthly Direct Debit. It’s fast, easy and secure and can be cancelled any time. Regular donations also help us plan our future work more effectively.
Make a Monthly DonationYou can also set up a standing order for your monthly donation by completing our Standing Order Form and sending it to us by post.
One-off donations
Make a one-off donation online today using our secure payment system. No matter how large or small, every donation makes a difference.
Make a One-off DonationOther ways to donate
Use PayPal
Make a monthly or one-off donation on PayPal with a debit or credit card – even if you don’t have a PayPal account.
Pay by card over the phone
You can also choose to make a card payment over the phone by calling our headquarters on 01842 750050.
Send a cheque
Make your cheque payable to British Trust for Ornithology and send it to: The Fundraising Team, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU
Please note: processing and responding to donations and correspondence sent to us by post may take a little longer than online methods.
Please email fundraising [at] bto.org if you have any urgent questions about donating.
Remember to Gift Aid your donation
If you are a UK tax payer, fill out a declaration form and send it back to us. We can then reclaim 25p out of every pound from the government.
- Download a copy of our Gift Aid declaration form
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