A Field Guide to Monitoring Nests

Intended as an aid to those involved in monitoring nests for research and conservation purposes.
Written and illustrated by experts, this guide contains a wealth of information for 145 British and Irish species, together with introductory sections on nest-monitoring techniques, nest identification, legislation, the BTO Nest Record Scheme and nest-finding skills.
What's in the guide
145 individual species accounts, each one covering:
- Where the species breeds, with a UK distribution map and details on typical habitat and nest sites
- Seasonality of breeding, with a timetable of when most birds are on eggs and chicks
- Identification of eggs and young, with photographs
- Species-specific nest finding methods and considerations
Four introductory sections on the science and practice of nest monitoring:
- Fieldwork basics: when and where to look for nests, techniques for finding and monitoring
- Wildlife legislation and BTO guidelines designed to protect nesting birds
- Why monitoring nests is important for bird conservation and how the BTO uses information collected
- Taking part in the BTO's Nest Record Scheme
An essential tool for nest recorders
A Field Guide to Monitoring Nests is the first BTO-published book to feature detailed nest finding methods for individual species. Its combination of concise notes and quick-reference facts and figures, together with expert advice and chapters on the basics, makes it an ideal field companion for both beginners and experienced nest recorders.

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