New Data Entry System for Garden BirdWatch
05 Nov 2018
We've just launched a brand new data entry system. The new system is designed to make entering your weekly records easier by phone and tablet. In addition to this, we're now asking whether or not you'd record other wildlife if you saw it. This is a small but important change. You can find out more about the importance of this in an article by Kate Risely. To make this easier you are able to set your preferences by clicking 'edit my details', which is just below your GBW number on the right-hand side of the screen.
We hope that all of our Garden BirdWatchers will like the new system. We are incredibly grateful to the commitment and records provided by our volunteers and as such we are always open to feedback. To provide feedback or to ask for assistance with the new system please email us (gbw [at] or call us (01842 750050).
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