Status of British Reptile and Amphibian species
Some 13 terrestrial reptile and amphibian species are currently recognised as being post-glacial natives of Britain, with all but four of these considered widespread across the region. A number of non-native species have established breeding populations, including Marsh Frog, Edible Frog, Alpine Newt, Midwife Toad and Wall Lizard.
UK BAP priority listed
Common Frog
Rana temporaria |
Common. Documented decline up to 1970s, since when appears to have stabilized.
Pool Frog
Pelophylax lessonae |
Localised, East Anglia
Recent reintroduction to a single site. Also exists as some introduced populations from other sources.
Common Toad
Bufo bufo |
Common, but long-term declines
England, Scotland and Wales
Natterjack Toad
Bufo calamita |
Stable after period of decline
England, Scotland and Wales
Smooth Newt
Lissotriton vulgaris |
Common; thought to have suffered a general decline in rural areas, though may have been offset somewhat by colonisation of new garden ponds.
Palmate Newt
Lissotriton helveticus |
Widespread, though patchily distributed. More common in Wales and Scotland; rare in East of England.
General decline
Great Crested Newt
Triturus cristatus |
Lowland species, widespread across most of England but rare or absent in north and west of UK.
General decline
England, Scotland and Wales
Common Lizard
Zootoca vivipara |
Widespread, but patchy
General decline
England, Scotland and Wales
Sand Lizard
Lacerta agilis |
Documented decline
England, Scotland and Wales
Anguis fragilis |
General decline
England, Scotland and Wales
Grass Snake
Natrix natrix |
Widespread in England and Wales. Almost absent from Scotland except for introductions.
General decline but current
trends unknown |
England, Scotland and Wales
Vipera berus |
Widespread, but restricted by habitat preferences
Declines in some areas
England, Scotland and Wales
Smooth Snake
Coronella austriaca |
Localised, Dorset, Surrey and
Hampshire heaths |
Decline, but current trends
largely unknown |
Taken from BTO Research Report 572
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