Build other birding skills

Developing bird survey skills
Joining a bird survey can be a great way of developing your skills and contributing vital data to our conservation efforts.
Learn how to bridge the gap between birdwatching and biological recording.
Get started with seawatching

Seawatching can be thrilling, particularly during peak migration when thousands of birds are flying along our coastline.
Accurately counting winter flocks

Increase your confidence counting large flocks, a key survey skill which gives us vital information about our bird populations.
How to record bird age and sex

Recording age and sex ratios in flocks provides valuable information about breeding success and survival. Here are the skills you need.
Monitoring and recording nests

Monitoring and recording nests is rewarding and provides valuable data about our birds. Learn how to begin.
Collecting breeding evidence

What, why and how should you record when you notice evidence that birds are breeding?
Identifying unfamiliar or unusual birds

Learn how to identify unfamiliar or unusual species, and why it pays to prepare for the unexpected…
Learn about visible migration: ‘vismig’

If you know when and where to look and listen, experiencing visible bird migration or ‘vismig’ can be a spectacular experience.
Learn about nocturnal migration: ‘nocmig’

Nocturnal migration, or ‘nocmig’, can be hugely exciting and full of surprises. Learn how to tune in to the birds flying overhead at night.
How to use timing when birding

Timing is an often-overlooked clue to finding certain species, and provides powerful supporting evidence for (or against) a confident ID.

Want to learn more?
Our Field Craft articles are extracts from our members’ magazine, BTO News.
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