Biodiversity and livelihoods in the modernising farmed landscapes of Uganda
Handbook: Conserving biodiversity on farmland
Across much of the developing world, biodiversity underpins the livelihoods of the rural poor. In a four year project funded by the Darwin Initiative, BTO led an ecosystem service and livelihood project in the banana-coffee production area around Lake Victoria and showed that landscape management was critical for both farmers and biodiversity. In landscapes which were heavily farmed, there was too little fallow land for pollinators. Allowing one third of the land to remain fallow led to improved coffee production, and such landscapes, which had significant areas of semi-natural habitat, were good for birds. This study showed how landscapes can be optimally managed for farmer income and biodiversity.
Our research on biodiversity, ecosystem services and livelihoods in Uganda resulted in a number of posters, handbooks and policy briefs, all of which are available at
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