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Get involved in Wales
By participating in BTO schemes and surveys you can put your birding skills to good use, helping us to understand how Wales' bird populations are changing and why.
We have a broad range of participation opportunities - you can get involved in your garden, urban greenspace, at wetland sites or while out exploring Wales' wilder places.
View all current projects or view the list of completed projects.

Time / skill needed:

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Waterways Breeding Bird Survey
The Waterways Breeding Bird Survey is an annual survey of breeding birds along rivers and canals.
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Garden BirdWatch
Help with research into garden wildlife by joining our Garden BirdWatch community.
Time / skill needed:

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Nest Record Scheme
Nest Record Scheme participants gather vital information on the breeding success of Britain's birds by following the progress of individual nests.
Time / skill needed:

Time / skill needed:
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