BTO Youth's Birding 101

Over the last couple of years, many of us have become more closely connected to nature than ever. Spending our time outside on walks, seeing birds fly overhead or listening to them sing. Did you ever wonder what they are? Or how the changing world impacts them? BTO’s Youth Representatives started Birding 101 during the lockdowns to help you identify the birds around you. Now, they're back with series 2 to help you further develop your skills!
If you are 25 or younger, you can join our free training programme for young people, by young people. This programme will take you through the initial steps of going out and looking at birds, to recognising birds by song. Each session will give you new skills and activities you can try at home and is delivered by one of our Youth Representatives. Sessions are a combination of live lessons on Zoom, and pre-recorded sessions available on YouTube. In short, by joining us you will gain a basic understanding of:
- how to identify different birds
- what species to expect in different parts of the country
- how to encourage birds into your garden
- the fascinating lives of our common birds
- how you can help scientists save birds
All sessions are free, and you can sign up for as many as you like.
Each session will last approximately 2 hours and will take place on every other Tuesday from 6–8pm, via Zoom. You’ll meet other people with an interest in nature and birds, learn new skills, and have fun in the process! The sessions are outlined below, and you can click on the link to book your place today. Please note that we've aimed the content to be a suitable level for young people aged 13+, but the sessions are open to anyone 25 and under. The first hour of the session is aimed at beginners, and the second hour at those with a bit more experience. You can come for either or both hours; you only need to sign up once if you'd like to stay for both hours.
Our Youth Representatives may be running in-person events to support the sessions near you. To find out what’s going on, head over to our events page.
If you don’t have access to the equipment you might need to get started with birdwatching, you can apply to our Equipment Donation Scheme. Please ensure you write that you are taking part in the training programme in your application, so we can get back to you as soon as possible.
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This project is funded by the Government's Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fund was developed by Defra and its Arm's-Length Bodies. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England, the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission.

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