Corporate Membership Scheme Levels

Gold membership
Price: £3,000 per year + VAT
Corporate benefits
- Reduced rates for BTO professional training courses for your employees (20%)
- Access to the expertise of BTO staff who can advise on how to improve the environmental impact of your business, make your site/offices more bird friendly, and staff involvement opportunities
- Talk by a BTO expert for staff or stakeholders
- Course offers for your employees***
Staff benefits
- Discounted BTO and/or Garden BirdWatch membership for your employees (20%)
- Invitations to BTO networking events and special occasions
- Monthly e-newsletter
- Quarterly BTO News and Bird Table Magazine
Recognition, thanks and PR
- Acknowledgement of your support on the BTO website and member magazine
- Use of the BTO Corporate Membership logo on your website and stationery
- Receive BTO press releases and be kept up-to-date with current issues in bird conservation science
- Recognition of your support of special projects on relevant websites, articles in the birding press, national press releases
*** = Up to 10 free places on our 3-session Bird ID online course and two other courses of your choice, and/or access to session recordings and the course activities. Other courses include Songbird ID (3-sessions), Raptor ID, Waterbird ID, Wader ID, Gull ID, Seabird ID (all 2 sessions) and Corvid ID (1 session). Alternatively, contact us to discuss a bespoke course for your organisation, either online or in-person, at a heavily discounted rate.

Silver membership
Price: £1,500 per year + VAT
Corporate benefits
- Reduced rates for BTO professional training courses for your employees (10%)
- Access to the expertise of BTO staff who can advise on how to improve the environmental impact of your business, make your site/offices more bird friendly, and staff involvement opportunities
- Talk by a BTO expert for staff or stakeholders
- Course offers for your employees**
Staff benefits
- Discounted BTO and/or Garden BirdWatch membership for your employees (10%)
- Monthly e-newsletter
- Quarterly BTO News and Bird Table Magazine
Recognition, thanks and PR
- Acknowledgement of your support on the BTO website and member magazine
- Use of the BTO Corporate Membership logo on your website and stationery
- Receive BTO press releases and be kept up-to-date with current issues in bird conservation science
- Recognition of your support of special projects on relevant websites, articles in the birding press, national press releases
** = Up to 10 free places on our 3-session Bird ID online course and one other course of your choice, and/or access to session recordings and the course activities. Other courses include Songbird ID (3-sessions), Raptor ID, Waterbird ID, Wader ID, Gull ID, Seabird ID (all 2 sessions) and Corvid ID (1 session).

Bronze membership
Price: £500 per year + VAT
Corporate benefits
- Access to the expertise of BTO staff who can advise on how to improve the environmental impact of your business, make your site/offices more bird friendly, and staff involvement opportunities
- Talk by a BTO expert for staff or stakeholders
- Course offers for your employees*
Staff benefits
- Monthly e-newsletter
- Quarterly BTO News and Bird Table Magazine
Recognition, thanks and PR
- Acknowledgement of your support on the BTO website and member magazine
- Use of the BTO Corporate Membership logo on your website and stationery
- Receive BTO press releases and be kept up-to-date with current issues in bird conservation science
- Recognition of your support of special projects on relevant websites, articles in the birding press, national press releases
* = Up to 10 free places on our 3-session Bird ID online course, and/or access to session recordings and the course activities.
Bronze members
Please complete our short application form to enquire about BTO Corporate Membership. We're looking forward to hearing from you and your business!
You can also get in touch directly at corporate [at] or 01842 750050 if you have any queries before filling out the form.
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