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Breeding Bird Survey annual reports
The Breeding Bird Survey started in 1994, and a report is produced every year containing population changes and other results from the scheme.
Since the WBBS started in 1998, this report has also included results from this survey.
- View the latest Breeding Bird Survey report
- View and download annual reports for every year back to 1994
BBS population trends
Bird population trends are published annually, and results from the most recent year are shown here:
Trends published in previous years can be found by downloading the relevant annual report from the BBS publications page.
Combined results from a number of BTO schemes, including joint CBC/BBS trends, can be found in the BirdTrends Report.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions limiting survey coverage in 2020, the survey covered a reduced suite of species for England only. View the restricted results for 2020.
Maps of population density and trends
We produce maps showing both bird density estimates and population change for 49 common UK bird species, modelled using BBS data.
Country, region and county species summaries
We produce summaries of the annual numbers of species recorded, and number of BBS squares per species:
- by country (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales)
- by English region
- by county
These lists are updated annually.
Mammal monitoring
We summarise the latest mammal population trends produced using BBS data, and counts of mammals recorded on BBS squares in the most recent year.
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