News Archive

October 2020 Golden Plover Survey - Can you help?
On 17–19 October 2020 there will be a coordinated census of Eurasian Golden Plovers across Europe, repeating comparable surveys carried out in 2014, 2008 and 2003... read more
15 Oct 2020

Import data from BirdTrack to WeBS
WeBS Online has launched a new feature to import data from BirdTrack, so that volunteers can, if they wish, record data in the BirdTrack apps and then import the relevant list from BirdTrack into... read more
05 Mar 2020

WeBS starts recording age and sex ratio data
WeBS has today launched a new feature in WeBS Online data entry to allow Counters to optionally record the number of birds of different ages and sexes... read more
10 Jan 2020

New look WeBS Online
The data entry system for the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS), WeBS Online, has been updated.
07 Aug 2019

Waterbirds in the UK 2015/16
The 35th BTO/JNCC/RSPB WeBS annual report Waterbirds in the UK 2015/16 shows that Mallard reaches a record low, Herring Gull is the most numerous gull on the open coast and the Velvet... read more
25 May 2017
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